The Long Shot: Come Hell or High Water, Season 14, Episode 26

“The Possibility of Lows Isn’t Very High, But Also the Possibility of Highs Isn’t Very High”

We talked about a lot of stuff, as always. I’m sure I’m leaving stuff out, so feel free to bug me or remind me in the comments.

Here’s a scene from Mulholland Drive. Imagine watching this on drugggggzzzzzzz...

And here’s an essay (in video form) about that scene.

I am currently making a video essay about the video esay about Mulholland Drie, but it’s not done yet. 

We talked about Sadhguru, who is a very accomplished yogi, and Roku, who sounds like he could be.

We talked about my Xbox 360, which I only brioefly engaged with, a number of years ago, when I got into Mortal Kombat briefly but only because of scenes like this one (wait for it...).


And finally, here’s a guy, from not Manchester probably, futzing with electronics.

Like I said, feel free to drop more links or make requests in the comments. What did we forget? (I say “we” because Jamie sent some on this one)


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