The Long Shot: Come Hell or High Water, Season 14 Episode 25

“I Was Sharing Something Kind of Personal and You’re Attacking Me For It But That’s OK”

A lot of podcasts do episode notes. Now that we’re 40 billion years into this particular podcast, I figured, why not? Kind of random, but maybe it’ll be fun! We’ll see. Joe and Jamie didn’t make it this week, but Amber and I muddled through without them. Here’s some stuff that came up:

Garret Graff, a writer I enjoy and have been following on Twitter for a while, published an article in Politico about the assassination of Osama Bin Laden. It’s an oral history, which seems to be a style Mr. Graff enjoys, and it’s pretty fascinating.

I talked about the scene in Munich where the plan goes awry. Here’s a clip that contains the part I was talking about, and more besides!

Amber talked about an episode of This American Life she wanted me to listen to. I still haven’t listened to it, but here it is.


And here are some clips from that focus group Frank Luntz ran where they were trying to  convince people to get vaccinated. Scary stuff. Turns out propaganda works! One of them is Dr. Tom Frieden of the CDC giving five facts, as Amber mentioned.

I’m pretty sure I first heard Jake McKelvie perform at a Mesmerocktail party at Jamie’s Sistazzle’s house in the Vallaptivate. And it was delightful. Here’s Jake doing an acoustic version of “Eat Around the Pudding,” live (posted without his permission).

Feel free to add more notes in the comments. I can’t think of everything!