“Senator Ron Johnson Is An Apostate Cold-Hearted Prevaricating Fornicator”
Just Jamie and me this time, a couple of dudes flying solo and getting into some pretty deep wisdom. Or deep into some pretty wisdom. Or whatever. You’re welcome.
A few notes:
It turns out there’s no law against duplicating a key that says “Do Not Duplicate” on it. Printing that on the key is just a suggestion, like “Look Both Ways Before Crossing the Street” or “Don’t Eat Meat WIth Your Dessert Spoon.” But maybe because people take it seriously it actually makes your home or business LESS safe when you prin that on the key? Anyway, lots of locksmiths will still do it.
I wonder what would happen if somebody started making keys that said “Don’t Not Duplicate.” It would probably open the door to an apartment that had lots of staircases in it where you couldn’t til which started where.
Jamie and I talked a little about basketball. I’ve gotten way more into hoops during these playoffs than I have for a while, probably because the Knicks were in for five minutes (“Trae is balding!”). A friend sent me this great article from the failing New York Times about the Brooklyn Nets and the amazing Kevin Durant, who is now also out of the playoffs, but not before doing a bunch of unbelievable stuff. Shit?
And I can’t ever talk about Durant without thinking of this clip of him from a street ball game at Rucker Park, in Harlem, in New York City. The clip is uncut, and I am always blown away by the building, almost orgasmic excitement among the people in the crowd regarding Durant’s performance, so that by the time he hits his fourth three pointer (of the clip- they’d been playing for a while before this) they literally can’t contain themselves and have to run out and just touch him- see if he’s even real...
I get so irritated (maybe you’ve noticed) when people purposely misuse words. Here’s an article in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel about the linguistic precision of gifted orator Senator Ron Johnson. And of course one of things that’s so frustrating to me about all that stuff is that often I am seeing it in a situation where I am by myself, and because of the way it’s presented it’s easy to go “Is nobody noticing what a lying, disingenuous, nonsensical sack of shit this guy is?” So it’s very gratifying to see something like this, where Johnson showed up at a Juneteenth event and got booed and chanted at disparagingly. It’s not just me!
Of course not.
And of course, it’s entirely possible that Johnson would be thrilled to have people boo him at a Juneteenth event, and use that footage proudly in his next campaign video.
I implemented this system in my email inbox a while back, and as long as I pay attention day to day (which I sometimes don’t) I find it works incredibly well. I feel like one of Jamie’s biggest complaints is that he is incapable of managing email (“Whirlwind!”). So I sent him a link to this. I’m fairly certain he hasn’t and won’t ever look at it. But then again, he may surprise me.
What did I miss?