The Long Shot: Come Hell or High Water, Season 14 Episode 29

“Sean and Amber’s Bad Book Report”

Okay, it’s just the two of us again. So here are a few things that came up.

I was briefly so excited about the Knicks making the playoffs for the first time in almost a decade. Here are the guys I was talking about who went down to the Garden after the Knicks won game two, which I would have loved to see. Support their podcast!

We talked about the Twitter thread we had both seen about how logic means nothing anymore to people who support Trump. Here it is! read it, weep for a bit, then please prepare for violence. Sorry! None of this is over.

My father is an incredibly charming guy who loves to go to parties and talk to people, and lots of people enjoy talking to him. So he always has a hard time leaving, because he feels like he has to talk to everybody on his way out and it takes hours for them to leave. Somehow the fact that he does this, and is of Irish descent, has confused my parents into thinking that is what people mean by an Irish goodbye. In fact, we all know that an Irish goodbye is the exact opposite of that. Here is a good explanation (from somebody I don’t know and have no idea who they are, but I enjoyed what they wrote) of the Irish goodbye, why it’s a good idea (I’m a HUUUUUGE fan), and how to deal with the aftermath politely. Send them some cookies- the link is right in the blog post, and I bet they’d get some money for it in addition to the cookies. Win win!

I guess technically she can’t avoid giving an Irish goodbye.

I guess technically she can’t avoid giving an Irish goodbye.

I just rewatched the scene from Good WIll Hunting we discussed for the first time in years and years, and I realized something I hadn’t before. Robin Williams is a Masshole! In the movie I mean. Obviously in real life he’s from Vietnam (I think?). But he faintly tries to pull off the accent. It’s a werid thing about Massachusetts movies- how everybody feels like they have to take a shot. Anyway, here’s the scene.

And finally, I can’t find the TikTok like the one I made up about side hustles, that I found after we did the show. But luckily at some point during the week AMber saw one on Twitter (complete with disparaging comments) and sent it to me. There are obviously many things I love about this woman and her video, but one is definitely that she starts off talking about how she drives those cars “for free,” which is false, therefore proving, as she implores us to follow her on Instagram for financial advice, that thereIS NO REASON TO FOLLOW HER BECAUSE SHE KNOWS NOT MONEY.

What did I forget?  What was I wrong about? Let me know in the comments.

Sean ConroyComment
The Long Shot: Come Hell or High Water, Season 14 Episode 28

“Have We Ever Hugged?”

Another day, another episode. We got into a lot of stuff this week. Here are a few notes.

One thing we talked about a little was Lebron James’ shot to get the Lakers into the playoffs (and keep the Warriors out). It absolutely was pretty great.

Here are some of the guys at Fat Sal’s (including, apparently, Fat Sal himself) constructing a “sandwich” for the enjoyment of the massive masses.

“Alright, look, not fat enough. We need to add the fries and the jalapenos to the saandwich itself, first of all, and then like two more meats, some fried cheese, and a couple more grilled veggies. And it’ll still be basically skeletal.”

“Alright, look, not fat enough. We need to add the fries and the jalapenos to the saandwich itself, first of all, and then like two more meats, some fried cheese, and a couple more grilled veggies. And it’ll still be basically skeletal.”

I tried to find a good clip from The Bad News Bears, but if you look for them you’ll find the language, used for comedy purposes at the time, is comepletely unacceptable nowadays. So instead, here’s another clip of the great Walter Matthau from another incredible, culture-impacting movie.

And finally, I railed a little about how Tucker Carlson had as his guest Jonathan Fahey, who Tucker calls the former director of ICE, which I guess is technically true but also technically true is you could call him the former senior administration official acting as the Director of ICE who resigned after thirteen days. If you want to see a combination of leaps in logic, exaggeration, lying, and sneering contempt for anybody with a soul, watch these two chat. Fun! I know it’s irritating, but I do recommend watching it, based on the fact that there’s a good chance that Tucker Carlson will at least run for president in 2024, and a decent possibility he’ll get elected. He’s definitely gearing up for it. Anger! Grievance! Insults! Hate! Why not go back to the same playbook that worked so well in 2016, and really pretty goddam well in 2020 and beyond?

What did I miss? What would you have added notes for? Put it in the comments down below.

See you guys next week.