The Long Shot: Come Hell or High Water, Season 14 Episode 30
“The Owls Washed the Kitchen Floor”
Another episode sans Joe and Jamie, another episode of stuff to note! Or not, “to note,” which in my mind implies giving notes (“Sean, how about less hemming and hawing? Also, could the chicken story be only an hour insted of two? Fucking endless... and it’s not exactly the Zack Snyder Justice League cut!” “You mean the Justice League Zack Snyder cut?” “Fuck you!” “How about we give notes without attacking?”) . More like, “there is further explication that could be done on some of the things discussed, so how about a few kind explanatory notes...”
Some things were said that maybe, just maybe, I regret saying? Out loud? Not to Amber, I really feel like at this point I can say anything to Amber (not that I would or that she would want me to!), but to a microphone attached to a recording device that will then be broadcast into the universe for tens of devoted listeners to hear. Like, “I’m a writer.” Yikes. But hey, to quote the immortal Pat Conroy (who for some reason I’ve been thinking about a lot lately, and was looking for what he said about a place I’ve never really been except briefly a little when I was on the road once but want to go for a real visit because of what he wrote about it, so I searched for quotes of his and coincidentally found this),
“Do you think that Hemingway knew he was a writer at twenty years old? No, he did not. Or Fitzgerald, or Wolfe. This is a difficult concept to grasp. Hemingway didn’t know he was Ernest Hemingway when he was a young man. Faulkner didn’t know he was WIlliam Falkner. But they had to take the first step. They had to call themselves writers. That is the first revolutionary act a writer has to make. It takes courage. But it’s necessary.”
Bon courage, it’s a revolution!
Anyway, some stuff:
Let’s not forget, although I didn’t mentin it on this episode (which is remarkable, because I seem to mention it at every opportunity, and voila! Cas in point!), that I got in a fight at a Billy Joel concert. That happened in the mid 80’s, so it was long before Amber was artistically inspired by this.
Yeah, they’re coming for Dr. Fauci. Here’s a thing I referenced, an IG story from Trump Jr.. It’s pretty twisted. Just wait til he runs for President!
We’ve talked about thought experiments a couple of times, and how hard I find it to understand why people fall so hard for the nonsense. Here’s an interesting article from a while back explaining some of the reasons pretty well.
Amber didn’t really run into Barbra Streisand on the street, she was just yes-anding me when I asked her a dumb question (and Jamie, notice that she didn’t even SAY “Yes, and...” I asked her who she ran into, and she immediately said “Barbra Streisand!”). But here is the venerable New Yorker (they have a lot of people who have said they are writers that work there) on what some people missed about going for walks during the pandemic, or why running into people is cool even if it’s not Barbra Streisand. Or something.
What did I miss? Let me know in the comments.