LIKE THE TITLE ALMOST SAYS, I'm teaching a new pilot class!
What follows is: bad news, good news, advice, the way, and a bonus.
The Writers' Strike is probably coming. This means things are kind of frozen in the television industry right now. Nobody wants to commit to anything new if it's just gonna go away for a month, or 6 months, or (gulp) longer)...
...which means this is a perfect time to get your ducks in a row. Get your scripts ready. Be ready to hit the ground running when things open up again. Networks and streamers will be thirsty for content, and if you have a portfolio of work that shows off your skills, maybe they'll want that content from you.
The most frequent question I get from students and other people who are interested in writing for television is, "How do I break in?" My success comes down to three factors:
1) Hard work
3) Luck
When I started thinking about getting into writing for television, I took a sitcom writing class, and started writing scripts (hard work). I became friends with a guy in an improv class (relationship!). Right after I moved to Los Angeles, he sold a pilot and asked me to work with him (and lots and lots of other people) on making it (my good luck- right place, right time). After the pilot got picked up to series, he asked me if I could give him a script that he could show to the producers, the network, and the showrunner. By then I had written 6 or 7 television sitcom scripts (more hard work). I had one I thought was worth showing to people, and I guess it was, because I got hired.
I can't help with luck (nobody can), or with relationships (classes, meetups, therapy, Tinder, elderly matchmakers...). But I can help with the hard work part.
I'm offering another Master Class in Writing a Sitcom Pilot.
The class starts April 23, 2023. It meets Sundays from 1-4 PM PST, on April 23 and 30, May 7, 14, 21, and 28, and June 4, 11, and 18. 8 of the sessions are group sessions with the rest of the class, which I operate as closely as possible to an actual writers' room- from the introduction and development of the pilot idea, to the pre-writing and outlining of the pilot, to actual scenes, everybody is responsible for everybody. Then there is a 9th meeting, which is one on one with me, to discuss the actual script you've finished. The cost of the class is $550. The size of the class is limited, so sign up now.
Sign up before April 8 and get an extra 30-minute phone/Zoom session with me, two weeks after the class ends, to discuss the rewrite of your pilot script, or whatever the next project you have decided to work on is.
Go here to sign up now:
Or, go to my website for more info on the classes, and some testimonials:
Good luck, everybody! Stay safe, and keep writing.
PS No ducks were harmed in the writing of this email (hilarious!) (look forward to more jokes like these) (that was only one "joke," if you can call it that)