The Long Shot: Come Hell or High Water Episode 37

“Amber Gets A New Job”

Let’s start by acknowledging that Jamie and Joe have been gone for a long time. So if you miss Jamie, check out this amazing video of his early show biz career

 It’s harder to find video of Joe, but here’s an article in a big showbiz publication where young Joe explains how one can use something called the Internet to help one get ahead.

 If you’re wondering if there’s a video out there about how to play basketball that includes a tiny bit of footage right at the beginning of Steph Curry as an adorable 5 (ish) year old, there absolutely is and it’s totally worth watching, if only so you learn that effort and great attitude are keys to success. I might have to watch that part a few more times.

I think it was an early episode of the LoShoPo reboot, in the Fall of 2020 (which feels soooooooooo long ago...) that I got a little upset about a  Sandra Bullock movie.  It wasn’t until afterwards that I learned that she had won an Oscar for her performance in that movie. But the movie itsef didn’t win an Oscar, even though it WAS a Best Picture Nominee. Well, this week I was obsessing a little about Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, without realizing that it was also a seemingly treacly and vapid Sandra Bullock vehicle (“seemingly” because I haven’t seen it yet) (“yet”). Though she was not nominated, the movie itself was, for Best Picture. It didn’t win. 

And look, let’s be honest, I love Sandra Bullock. Like, love. Love love. But some choices? Not good.

Then again, I’ve made mistakes.

I mean, I didn’t even come close to doing that life insurance commercial justice. Like, I forgot to mention the moment where the realization that poor Rick who runs marathons will never run another (because he has died) causes the husband to  stop himself from taking a bite of his cookie. It’s amazing. Luckily, the whole commercial is right here and you can judge for yourself. 

How could I possibly mix up Iñaritu and Del Toro?  It’s not like they ever hang out together.  Or do all the same stuff, like direct movies and win Oscars.

Anyway, I really wanna see Troll Hunters now.   Although based on the comments, I should watch the TV show first, or shows, because the movie ruins the ending (s?). Poor Jim and Claire!

Here’s a review of Patriot in The Ringer, which might convince you to watch the show if I haven’t. Here’s part of a scene with the great Kurtwood Smith that points up some of the weird fun of the show. And the great thing about this part of a scene is that it will ruin nothing, and won’t convince you to watch the show!

And finally, since we started with a little Joe and Jamie, and Amber ended by talking about dancing again, how about a little Liquid Feet to round it out, doing their take on the Insurrection?

See you next time.

Sean ConroyComment
"When The Whiskey Was Gone, The Show Was Over!"

I’m not even sure what the name of the episode is- “was” or “is”? But here was the notes for that show.

I wasn’t at this, but here’s Shane McGowan at a concert in 1991, in Japan. This would have been just a couple of years after I met the Pogues’  “road manager” (or whoever she was). I believe at the time I was in class with her, The Pogues were opening on the road for U2.  The whole concert is there, but I’ve specifically linked to one of my favorite Pogues songs, The Sickbed of Cuchullain.

 I’m not a cockroach fan, but they’re pretty interesting. Here’s an article about how they “represent some of the most bewildering diversity on planet Earth.” There’s so much about them we don’t know.

One time I was travelling with some college pals in Australia, and a couple people made us change hostels one day, whole big production, because one of them saw a roach. So we spent a whole day finding a new place to stay, a place with a couple bedrooms and a kitchen in the middle, and that night somebody wandered into the kitchen and turned the light on and it was like Roach Woodstock.

Carvel was THE ice cream place where I grew up. Every birthday you got a Carvel cake, half chocolate half vanilla with chocolate somethings in the middle. Can you blame us for being excited about it, with a pitchman like this? The dulcet tones, the elevated elocution… to be clear ,that’s Tom Carvel himself. He was one of those rich guys, you know? Like, my Mom talks about seeing him at a fancy restaurant once in the 50’s or 60’s, and “he walked in in his stocking feet.” That kind of rich guy. You think Letterman wouldn’t get a kick out of an old-school New York character like this? Of course he would.

And look where those old school New York rich guy characters have gotten us since then.

I was thinking about dumbwaiters, then about dumb waiters, and then I remembered this Oscar-nominated Steve Martin short film you probably haven’t seen and maybe didn’t even know about. You’re welcome.

Here’s the rock steady normal fella Michael Wolff explaining why Trump will be hard to prosecute (and to be clear, I think he’s right- I go back and forth between “it’s all an act” and “he’s batshit fucking crazy,” but either way he’s making millions off elderly people’s $5 donations:

Here’s that scene I was talking about from Way of the Gun.

And finally, here’s the Biz video for Just A Friend- what stands out to me is how closely affectionately Biz is seated with his friends- nobody trying to be all hard or macho, they’re just comfortable with each other- just friends.

Sean Conroy Comment