“Amber Gets A New Job”
Let’s start by acknowledging that Jamie and Joe have been gone for a long time. So if you miss Jamie, check out this amazing video of his early show biz career.
It’s harder to find video of Joe, but here’s an article in a big showbiz publication where young Joe explains how one can use something called the Internet to help one get ahead.
If you’re wondering if there’s a video out there about how to play basketball that includes a tiny bit of footage right at the beginning of Steph Curry as an adorable 5 (ish) year old, there absolutely is and it’s totally worth watching, if only so you learn that effort and great attitude are keys to success. I might have to watch that part a few more times.
I think it was an early episode of the LoShoPo reboot, in the Fall of 2020 (which feels soooooooooo long ago...) that I got a little upset about a Sandra Bullock movie. It wasn’t until afterwards that I learned that she had won an Oscar for her performance in that movie. But the movie itsef didn’t win an Oscar, even though it WAS a Best Picture Nominee. Well, this week I was obsessing a little about Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, without realizing that it was also a seemingly treacly and vapid Sandra Bullock vehicle (“seemingly” because I haven’t seen it yet) (“yet”). Though she was not nominated, the movie itself was, for Best Picture. It didn’t win.
And look, let’s be honest, I love Sandra Bullock. Like, love. Love love. But some choices? Not good.
Then again, I’ve made mistakes.
I mean, I didn’t even come close to doing that life insurance commercial justice. Like, I forgot to mention the moment where the realization that poor Rick who runs marathons will never run another (because he has died) causes the husband to stop himself from taking a bite of his cookie. It’s amazing. Luckily, the whole commercial is right here and you can judge for yourself.
How could I possibly mix up Iñaritu and Del Toro? It’s not like they ever hang out together. Or do all the same stuff, like direct movies and win Oscars.
Anyway, I really wanna see Troll Hunters now. Although based on the comments, I should watch the TV show first, or shows, because the movie ruins the ending (s?). Poor Jim and Claire!
Here’s a review of Patriot in The Ringer, which might convince you to watch the show if I haven’t. Here’s part of a scene with the great Kurtwood Smith that points up some of the weird fun of the show. And the great thing about this part of a scene is that it will ruin nothing, and won’t convince you to watch the show!
And finally, since we started with a little Joe and Jamie, and Amber ended by talking about dancing again, how about a little Liquid Feet to round it out, doing their take on the Insurrection?
See you next time.