The Monday Writing Prompt
Every Monday on my Instagram page (follow me @seanconroy) I publish a writing prompt. Using it helps me start the writing process for the week going downhill (not in terms of quality, just ease of effort). Here’s the one I used today, and what I wrote:
Write about a character who finds an odd-looking egg in the forest. When they take it home, they never could have predicted what was inside it.
I was out for a walk on I think a Tuesday, usual route. Crossed the stream, went up to the alder grove, tunred left, past the stumps, blah blah blha. Then I was like, fuck it, it’s Tuesday, or Weendsay or whatever, what if I wnet left instead of right?
So I did.
And not 8 minutes later I hit a clearing, and right in the middle, just sitting there like a bump on a log, was a log. And on top of the log was the biggest egg I had ever seen. It was about 7 feet in diameter, 7 feet tall- so not ovoid, like you get at the chicken ranch, but round, like a home coordination module.
Now the first rule of walking in the forest is leave no trace, so I knew immediately I had to get that thing out of there.
It was a struggle, but I’ve been doing a lot of carry exercises with oddly shaped objects, you know beanbg chairs, armoires, my son (the younger one, Robert- he lloks like a bag of basketballs on stilts- not Peter, he’s just a good loking kid).
SO I managed to get my arms partway around it and lever it up and somehow roll and toss ande carry it all the way back to the bunker. The kids were excited when I brought it through the portal into the front decompression area and hosed it down. They started chanting the samw way they do when we are at a meet, but instead of chanting the names of the what they would do to the competitors from the opposing factions, you know “Cripple the tall guy with a hammer! Cripple the tall guy with a hammer!’ or “Pull that beard! UYank that beard! Pull that beard! Yank that beard!” and so forth (maybe we need to plan ahead a little) they started chaning “Open it! What’s inside? Open it! What’s inside?” It would hve been better if the chant was just “Crack it open! (clap clap, clap clap clap) Crack it open!” and so forth. But whatever. Love them. They’re my kids!
So I took out a hammer and a chisel, and started chipping away at the shell. For a while. It took me at least an hour to make a noticeable whole, the shell was tough, and all the while I’m going “What the f is in here? Some kind of scaly thing? A flyer? Teeth? Something big, that’s for sure.”
But finally a got a 6 inch whole in it and I tipped so some of the runny stuff started puring out, gusing really, sooooomuc. The albumen or whtever. Right? And suddenly